
Reflection on Making a Semi-detailed Lesson Plan using 4A’s

I believe that a teacher should cope up in the demand of time and in the demand of every institution that he/she is working to. There are many types of lesson plan that a teacher has to know to be able to meet the needs of his/her learners. Using 4A’s in creating a lesson plan is way easier in any other types of lesson plan. The lengthy lesson planning that we know are compacted to 4A’s which are: Activity, Analysis, Abstraction and Application. Despite of its easy format, it has never been easy to think of an activity that will make you an efficient teacher. Every lesson should always be planned by the teacher as smoothly and as organized as possible.

Lesson plan is the heart of learning. Therefore, every teacher must learn how to make lesson plan for it is a guide in teaching the learners to become the best version of themselves and to become the future professionals of the nation someday that will shake and move the planet. The lesson plan judges how effective the teacher because it is where his/her knowledge are being applied to. For me, as a future educator, lesson plans are not only the hearts of learning but also the brains of teaching.

Overall Reflection on Developmental Reading as a Professional Education Course

To become a professional teacher is to know the word character. A positive character to learn the pedagogies of teaching and an exceptional character to know the right things to do in the class.

Developmental reading as a ProfEd course is indeed nerve racking for me. Aside from learning the different strategies in reading, you must also know the nature of your students for you to identify where will you start as a reading teacher. Also, diagnosing your students is the prerequisite in teaching this subject for you to be acquainted with the strengths and weaknesses of your learners. The concepts that I have learned from this subject is quite difficult. It might be easy in just knowing the definition, but in the real context, it is hard to implement such notions. There are many things that a reading teacher should consider and I think this is our challenge as an English major- -“how can we apply the piles of knowledge that we have?” I believe that learning without application is useless. So, as much as possible, these learnings should not only be stocked in our minds but they should be shown to what English classroom that we future English teachers are eyeing for.

Reading is indeed fun. It only needs to be unlocked for us to enjoy every word that we zip and every page that we flip. As a future reading teacher, reading should be developmental for us. We must keep on seeking for more knowledge because learning is a continuous process. This is a profession where you must not stop reading, learning, and enjoying. Teaching might be hard, reading might be hard but giving knowledge to your students at the end of the day is priceless. This is where a teacher like you, me, and them become noble.

Analysis and Reflection of the Movie Like A Star on Earth: Every Child is Special


Every child is indeed special. They have their own fortes and flaws. In the story, Ishaan Awasthi is a regular Indian boy who has a reading problem that triggered him not to properly utter the words, numbers, and symbols in a written text. This is called dyslexia. It is said to be that reading is an excruciating task because of its variances in writing. You can’t write a Latin with spaces, you can’t write English with just merely symbols and same as true with other languages. The first medical report to persons who can’t read but their vision, intellect, and speech are all fine is called “acquired word blindness”. Joseph Dules Dejerine called this as alexia in which a person could still use the spoken speech and could still write but can’t comprehend the symbols in the text. Hence, dyslexia is defined as a difficulty in literacy development and language skills. It can be an inborn sickness that can cause a lifelong effect. Also, dyslexia is a struggle in phonological processing, swift identification, working memory, processing speed, and the automatic development of skills that may not match up to an individual’s other cognitive abilities (Beddows, 2016).

Ishaan’s case was diagnosed when his teacher discovered that his not interested in the class though the subject is Arts. Oftentimes, Arts is a subject where you can express yourself but Ishaan has not conveyed his attention to it. That’s why Ram Shankar Nikumbh- the Arts Teacher of Ishaan, decided to check his notebooks in other subjects and found out that the problem of the child in reading is not a typical one because he has also experienced the sickness. Thus, he went to their home to investigate Ishaan’s background and gained more information. He discovered that the child might not know how to read but he has a great talent in painting. It is very unusual for a child to have such talent even though he has a problem. This leads to Ram Shankar to help Ishaan overcome his difficulty.

Ram Shankar made strategies in the classroom. First, he has introduced names of people who are the same in the case of Ishaan. He has explained that many of the scientists that we knew today had also a problem in learning. One of those is Thomas Alva Edison who invented the light bulb. Ram explained to his class this kind of condition. He also wanted the children to understand it and to be open- minded about it for there are bullies who will judge their classmates’ capacity without thinking what are they going through. Second, Ram went to the principal and asked permission to let Ishaan stay in the school and he personally tutored him. He knew what he is doing because he has also had this kind of condition before. He’s a painter who experienced dyslexia too. Also, there is no one who can understand ones condition except the one who experienced it as well. Third, he encouraged Ishaan’s parents to understand his condition and made them realized that scolding and labeling their child will not make Ishaan better. It’s acceptance that he needs to be able to understand him. Family should always be the center of knowing the child’s interest and of molding ones skill.

Further, that one program that changed the life of Ishaan is a painting contest. Ishaan has the talent of imagining things differently. It’s a unique talent that no matter how he has changed as an individual the heart for painting will always be there. It’s an inborn gift– it’s a God gift. Remember that every flaws that a person has, a genuine talent is an exchange of it. An authentic ability that no one can take away from you. You might stop doing it, but the skill is there. It will never change. But it needs practice and a mind who thinks out of the box which will truly enrich such precious flair.


I believe that every child is special. You cannot judge the child just how he excels in the class but know what the child is going through. There are lots of things to know about the child before we label them as a fool and as a genius. In this world, it seems like geniuses have only the place to be known and to prosper. Realistically, you can’t eradicate this concept in the mindset of people but you can show them what does the other side of the coin looked like. We should live life understanding each other’s differences. We are entitled with our own peculiarities and intelligences. As what people say, no man is exactly alike.

Being a teacher is not an easy task. It’s not the salary that we are into, but to inspire our students not to become geniuses but to become themselves– to be true to themselves. I believe that a teacher should diagnose students every now and then for them to know the students’ strengths and weaknesses and to hone what should be enhanced and enrich the talents of the learners because they are the ones who will become our next painter, teacher, doctor, engineer, chemist, and other noble professions. Hence, a teacher is not only the giver of knowledge but a candle that consumes its light just to provide a brighter future for his learners.

Limelight of a Flashlight

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It’s horrible! It kills me so much. It shakes my mind every time I saw it, I read it, and the worst, every time I make solutions for it. I don’t hate it; I just don’t want complicated things. But I realized what life will be without challenges, what is life without any problems. Do you know what I am pertaining for? It’s mathematics!

Many people say that Mathematics is universal. Math is not only finding x and y values. Math has an enormous factor for human beings life. Without math, do you think that there will be edifice around you? There will be a cafeteria in your barangay? How to differentiate and count altered moneys? We only perceive math as “pabigat ng ulo” don’t you think?, too much complex that you can even think of solutions and rubbing your head because you don’t discern how and what to answer. Believe it or not I was once like you. I have tried to called “bobo” because I don’t know how to divide and multiply when I was in Elementary. I was hurt of course but I grasped that I should not be offended from their sentiments to me because it is true. All I need is to attest them that they were erroneous. So I strive harder. And I can now understand mathematics. See? That’s only math but it can change the life of a person. Math also contributes in humanity. With the sculptures there, houses, pew, your different businesses like social science, chemistry, physics etc. All of them has math in it, all of them can’t stand alone without math. See how significant math in our lives. But most of the time, we just neglect it. We neglect it because we disgust it. We hate something that we really don’t know how good it is in our society.

For me, math is not only a subject, word, or a lesson. It is like a flashlight that enlightens all the dark queries in today’s life. It gives clarification to the unknown and it gives essential details and solutions why there’s a technology and why we are experiencing a high quality one. Mathematics is on its limelight that every person should value, understand, cherish and pay attention to it. Don’t think that math is hard, think that you are solving a problem in your life and when you answer it correctly, you will feel delight and blissful for that. I can still remember when I was in high school, that there is a recitation in our math class and if I don’t recite I am just bowing my head or I am reciting with the wrong answer. But my teacher appreciates me for that. Because it is not about the correct answer that you will give, it’s about you tried to understand it and participate in your class. In order for you to understand Mathematics, you should appreciate it first. Find its beauty and importance. That will lead you in loving math.

From the song of Jessie J it says there that “I’m stock in the dark but your my flashlight you getting me, getting me through the night”. If we apply it in mathematics it is translated in this way “I’m stock in math problems but if I just tried to understand and appreciate it, it will lead me to a correct solution”. And now, I can say that math is amusing. Full of problems but most of the time it is full of adventures.

Mathematics UPLOAD! 🙂

Masterpiece (Nick Vujicic Story)- An Inspiration

What if you don’t have any limbs and hands? And you are teased and bullied by people? Are you that strong to face this fear? Because I, myself will say “No” and will lose my own esteem.

Nick Vujicic is not just a typical being, his not like us. He has no limbs and he almost cry every day and questioning God that why he had no limbs and arms and why he did not became a conventional person just like us. I almost cried when I watched his story. I am not supposing how he can subsist in this world. Because he has no limbs, he cannot walk, he cannot do any chores and it’s hard to be intimidated by the whole world. I can relate to the story of Nick Vujicic. Why? it’s because I was once bullied and called “white monkey”, “angry birds” and “the evolution of man”. I was upset then. But I realized that I am too fortunate that I didn’t feel how atrocious life is, just like how Nick Vujicic was being harassed by everyone. Instead of giving up, he lifts up his head and face every morning. And every day that he wakes up, he instill his head that every sunrise, God works in his life. I salute him for that. From being downcast and now he is on his limelight of his dreams and imparting the words of God and giving knowledge to the people, he really deserves to be acknowledged. He gives grounding in me to become a real person. He taught me to accept what I have and give significance to it. And I will apprize those learning’s because that erudition’s are priceless. He also demonstrates me to never give up. Don’t commit suicide and just keep the strong faith to God. “If God uses a person with no limbs and arms to be his arms and legs in humanity, I am sure that one person who watched this video, God touched his heart” this is from Nick Vujicic. He inspires others through the words of God. He encourages every folks. He never gives up from whatever circumstances in his life. His story must be voiced out to everyone. Because in my own experience, he embolden me to not surrender and just go on with my dreams. No matter how hard life is and whatever people say about you, it’s you who creates your own path, it’s you who believes you can do with God. And nothing can stop YOU!

Now that I knew what the story of Nick Vujicic, I am not afraid to wake up someday and have no arms and legs and teased by people. As long as I have faith in God and I preach His words I will be complete with Him and my family. And if you asked me if I will be that strong like him, I will definitely answer you “YES”.

A Glimpse of My Chapters

No More Hiding who I wanna Be..This is the Reality

“I’ve always been a laughing stock”. I never experience a life that was simple. I considered my life as adventure. It maybe not simple but full of surprises. And my journey begins with a smile. This was started with a cute little crying baby.

I opened my eyes and I saw the beautiful and smiling faces of my family, and a world that makes me happy, a world where we can live and that is called Earth. When I grew up, I started to explore my journey, I’d entered school. And I remember in my kinder garten years, I love singing ,listening to my teacher, and the way we used to be with my classmates. Until one day, I just realized that I am now entering the world of teenagers, it’s the high school life. I have friends to talk with but I want to have more friends. And I started to talk with Karina. Karina was the first person I’ve met when I was in first year. But I’m too shy. That’s why where not too close that time. Roxanne, one of my best friends now, she always wants to fight with me. And Aubrey Nicole Soriano, I will never forget her because she first called me “White Monkey”. Yeah, it’s too humiliating. Until now my classmates often call me White Monkey or in tagalog “Puting unggoy” and sometimes they call me just “Unggoy”. It’s because of the theory of Charles Darwin. It states that the first person here in earth is a single specie that through the years it evolves. But I never believed with that. Because of his theory my classmtes bullied me. I am crying when I hear that. Just imagine your whole class is calling that to you. Too much for that!. Anyway, I’m just ignoring it, it’s too childish if I will cry like a baby, not now that I am a fourth year student. And two words that I will never forget from my crush is that, she called me “Tignan mo si Kevin ah…parang “Angry Birds”. Angry Birds??!!!!.I want too shout, when my friend said that to me. I want to scream. But I cannot do anything she’s my crush. I won’t fight her for that, besides she’s been a good friend to me.

I am studying in Luna National High School. And I can say that I am the weirdwest student here. Why?, it’s because of my books, my notes, and all the different papers I have. I always bring it to school even if we are not using it. And because of that, they call me “The Walking Cabinet of Four Narra”. But those things gave me a lot of help. I like English and Filipino subjects. I love to read different words from the dictionary. This inspires me from watching the Harry Potter movie. I love the way they talk and I like to study pronunciation because it is in british accent. And that was my favorite movie so far.I am also musically inclined. And my dream someday is to become a Language Teacher and an artist. I am striving hard to become successful.

And this was the story of the little cute crying baby named Kevin Dela Calzada. That’s me. 😀

Soreness of being YOUR Sweetheart

“I love you”… “I love you too”… 🙂

You say that you will wait for me; you say that you loved me; you say you will never leave me! But why! What happened? I have done the biggest mistake in my life :(.

The day when I first met you, it was the day you have changed my life. This was the date you have marked in my heart and mind. It’s July 18. It’s your birthday. And this was the time I have asked you to say “YES” and you said “YES!”

Our lives started when we were in high school. A life that we will cherish until our hair comes white. I am with my “barkadas” and you are with your “kikay friends”. We never talk, and sometimes we are not seeing each other in school just to hide our relationship. But I am always looking forward that in the right time, all our classmates and teachers including our families and friends will know and be proud into this rapport.

Do you still remember when I asked you to have a date with me in front of your classmates and you slapped me?(it hurts…ouch!) It hurts me so much. But don’t you worry, it’s okay because I promised that it will be our secret but I broke that one. One time, you asked me if I really love you because you have a feeling that I am cheating on you. And I answered you, “I will always love you and there is no one in my heart that will replace you”. And you just said “ahh..okay”. But do you remember when I asked you to be my girlfriend? I proposed to you at Manila Ocean Park with the view of the corals, dolphins, and different class of fishes just for you. (It’s so romantic and there’s a violin playing our theme song). That night, you were thrilling and jumping as if you won a lotto worth of 15 million pesos. And as you say “YES” I feel that we were in the ocean like nobody is watching. But I did not expect the day it all happened….

We were watching the movie entitled “A Walk to Remember”. That was the first moment I saw you cry. I wiped your tears to comfort you. But lately, I noticed that we are not seeing each other anymore. Maybe we are too busy because it’s our exam days and we have an interview for us to enter in our respected colleges. But it does not stop there. We have no communication for four days. I observed you. But I was not that strong when I knew the truth.

At a mall in Manila, I disguised so that you will not recognize me. I also touch your shoulder but you did not respond to me. Then, you went to the cinema hall. When I saw a man standing in front of the counter, I was surprised. I do have a feeling that there is a something that was happening. I saw you kissed his lips, and held his hand. (”They were so sweet”). I was jealous about it because when we are together we were not talking and I felt the coldness of our relationship. I was hurt when I saw you with him looking like that. And so I cried and I cried. Until I become depressed and my cancer comes back.

I texted you so that my question will be clarified. “Do you have another one?”. I’ve waited for your reply. But I am “nga-nga”(walang napala). There are no answers, letters nor even communications.

One day, I saw you again with him. I run to you to talk about it but I didn’t catch you. Days passed by, I am now in the hospital fighting my cancer and still hoping to see you again. I am now on the ICU catching my last breath and presto the girl whom I waiting for is there seeing my pity condition. I want to talk to her. And fortunately I earned the courage to ask her, “I love you, but why did you not wait for me, why did you leave me, but even you hurt me, I still manage to love you.” Then I slowly closed my eyes, and the machine that detects the beat of my heart appeared in a straight line. Then I heard the loud cry of her.

“Love is not all about happiness. It is also about pain. At the start of your love story, you will feel the happiest moments with your love ones but some relationships end with sadness because of doubt to their partners, letting their relationship become cold and not working anymore. I guess being in love with someone makes you happy but you need to risk your own happiness by letting go of the person you love so much and most of the time, it also gives soreness to you being your sweetheart.”


My IV-Narra Family

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“I wanna be a billionaire so freakin’ bad Buy all of the things I never had I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine smiling next to Oprah and the Queen.” Every time I hear this Bruno Mars song, I always think the word “billionaire”. Someday I can be one of the persons in the world having billions of money. But I’d realized that there’s something more than that. It’s the HIGH SCHOOL LIFE…

I entered a peach color wide gate with a man standing on a small house wearing white polo and blue pans beside it. I wonder if he knows me but I just passed him away. Not knowing, I don’t know which way I will drive for the first day of school. And I can say that in my freshman years, I have lots of experience in Luna National High School.

Let us turn back the page of my freshman years. Page 1 of 1004.

I have lot of epic moments when I was in first year. I’ve been criticized by my classmates with my big bag, heavy brief case and plastic bag. I also got fell on a canal in front of a teacher and few students. But despite of these things happened to me I still stand tall and face my sophomore life. But this time, I felt bullying. “White Monkey” and “Angry birds”, these are words that my friends often call me. It’s humiliating. I felt cautious every time. It seems like I am the laughing stock of the group. But this is not the saddest part; it’s the time we divided from 4 groups. The Bhoqxz, Wilab, Jamsverg, and Dota experts. Yeah, we have lots of fight here, but in the end before the closing of the school year, January 17, 2012 was the date were Vibes Gang formed and we are all united again. It’s Moniera who formulated the name by the way. She’s my “crush” but don’t tell her or somebody else. (HAHA) In this year my dreams were formulated and I admire all my teachers and I wanted to be like them.

Third Year? Junior Senior Prom? Or also known as JS Promenade. That day was the waited part of our lives. It was our first time to dance with our love ones and of course “their” girlfriends and boyfriends. I have no girlfriend since birth, in other words “NGSB”. But before it came there, there are lots of trials we encountered. For the first time in whole wide world history, the most expensive Santa Claus dress and a two hundred shirt tayo na, tabang na t-shirt, we’ve lost the contest. And it seems like it’s a big slapped in our faces because we cost too much money yet we didn’t win. Instead of giving up, we are inspired to strive more. We promised ourselves that before the year ends we must take lot and lots of awards and it came true. We have certificates of best in classroom, 1st runner up in robotics and many more. I also tried different contest like Mr. Palaro and Mr. Glamour but I never won. Yes it’s sad; however you need to accept the fact. There are still next year. *But I don’t think I will join that contest again.

Oh! No It’s my last year now in high school but before we leave, we will give a mark that will surely never forget in the hearts of our teachers. “Yes! At last after 1 year of not winning in a competition, we won in the speech choir contest”. That day was considered as tears day. Each of us almost cried because we did our best for that performance and we justified all the sacrifices we’ve done. But the most memorable that I had experienced is the Journalism! I can still remember my title in writing a science and technology feature in division school press conference that tickets me to advance and went to regionals. I was 1st runner up in division but I did not win in the regional. At least, I experienced how to leave in Hotel Roma and La Margarita Hotel and met different people from different schools in Tuguegarao. It is the journalism that will take you far to fulfill your dreams. I also joined the Division Science Fair. It’s all my first time. And I experienced the most nervous feeling I’ve ever had.

Oh! I did not noticed, I had already give many experiences here but one thing that I will treasure among all of these, is the friendship we built with my classmates and it will be a strong tower that never falls or destroy. I’d realized that, dreaming billions of money can changed your life but the experiences with your friends in your high school life can treasure and will never be vanished away. Indeed, “High school life is the best part of a teenage existence”. High school life is like a gold that will give you billions of experiences, billions of friends, and billions of learnings. It is the most powerful experience that will happen in your life. And I am a Billionaire because of my high school years. Thanks God, He always guides me wherever I go and He always sees to it that in every move that I make, there’s a joy that will be shaped.

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